
Welcome to our preschool blog! We are currently taking registration for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year.

3yr: Option 1-Mon/Wed from 9-11 p.m.
4yr: Option 1-Tues/Thurs from 9-11:00 a.m.
4yr: Option 2-Tues/Thurs from 12-2:00 p.m.

4yr classes have the Option to add a 3rd day and come on Friday mornings from 9-11:00 as well.
2-day classes $75/month with a $75 registration fee
3-day classes $110/month with a $110 registration fee

Please feel free to check out our general overview on the side bar for more information about our preschool.

Give me a call with any questions you may have and to confirm availability 208-521-4170

Friday, February 24, 2017

Big volcano, big volcano...getting HOT!

Valentine's Day has always been one of my favorites. I love the excitement the kids had decorating their envelopes for our class Valentine's party!

The 3yr class making heart shaped with.                                     their hands.
The 3yr class playing a musical hearts.                                     number game.

Not only did we get celebrate the holiday of love, we got to learn about and experiment.                             with volcanos.
I'm pretty sure we erupted a volcano each day this week. It was definitely the highlight of the week for the kids, even with getting to take home all of their Valentine goodies.
3yr class making their "love you to pieces" hearts where we tear up pieces of paper and glue them to a heart.
Our 3day class showed their intelligence by sequencing several different picture squares together. This is always a great activity to get them really thinking.

More volcanos...a must do every year!

  • Big volcano, big volcano, getting HOT...getting HOT....now the lava's coming, now the lava's coming, out on top, out on top.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Wellness Week

Half of my wellness week photos got destroyed with my phone :( and the other half are on a different device. I will transfer them soon, as this is one of our more fun lesson plans.

Monday, February 6, 2017

If you see a Y and like it say yuh yuh

It was fun starting off our Y week finding Y's on Carson's sweat shirt.
                             ...and Yawning
        ....and making Y's with our arms
....using our detective skills to find and color all of the Y's the same color to find our                                      hidden picture.
This project was so simple, and yet so much fun! The 3yr class really liked decorating their wooden Y's with star stickers.

Our 3 yr class also got to celebrate Groundhog day this week.  We started out by watching a short you tube video to learn what a Groundhog is.  After talking about what happens on Groundhog day, everyone got to vote if they thought the Groundhog would see his shadow or not...
...then we watched the news segment thst showed the results of what the Groundhog did.  While watching, Jett scrunched his face and giggled "why is he so fat?"  We finished off the day making our own little groundhogs to pop up from their burrows.
Our 3day class got to make lace Y's with Yellow Y's and Yarn.  This is such a great        project for their little hands.

This last photo is of a new project I started this year to celebrate the kids when they learn to write their name the correct way all by themselves. They get the option of choosing a treat or a book and get to take home a certificate to their parents. We show when they complete this challenge by putting their name up on our board.